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Nandajyothi Chits India Private Limited.The Chits system is an ideal way to make your money work to your advantage, giving you far better returns in the future. Nandajyothi Chits fund company presents you an opportunity to invest intelligently.

chit schemes

Daily Chit Schemes

Nandajyothi Chits India has various schemes that are specially calculated to suit your budgets, taking in mind maximum returns with minimum installments. Following are the available Daily Chit Schemes.

chit schemes

Weekly Chit Schemes

Nandajyothi Chits India has various schemes that are specially calculated to suit your budgets, taking in mind maximum returns with minimum installments. Following are the available Weekly Chit Schemes.

chit schemes

Monthly Chit Schemes

Nandajyothi Chits India has various schemes that are specially calculated to suit your budgets, taking in mind maximum returns with minimum installments. Following are the available Monthly Chit Schemes.

Welcome To Nandajyothi Chits India Private Limited

The chit fund also known as chitty, or kuri in India and ROSCA (Rotating Savings and Credit Association) internationally, occupy a unique position in the financial system of India. This indigenous financial institution prevalent even before the evolution of banking, had its origin in Southern of India, when the transactions were in the Barter System.From a humble beginning to its present gigantic growth, the chit fund Institution has now attained the status of a quasi-banking system, and has turned out to be a boon to the aggressively growing economy of the nation. According to a report of Asian Development Bank, the turn over of some 1066 chit fund companies, as far back as 1986 was, an astounding Rs.81.6 billions.

How it works

saving money

Daily Chit Schemes

Saving and Investing is a lifelong process. The sooner you start; the better off you'll be in the long run. It's best to start saving and investing as soon as you start earning money. The discipline and skills you learn will benefit you for the rest of your life.


Weekly Chit Schemes

As time passes, our growing list of clints reflects the trust reposed on us. Likewise, does our commitment to keep up your faith in us. Extending timely personalised service based on trust for three decades now we take this timelyanks schemes and chit schemes offering benefits in their own different way


Monthly Chit Schemes

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